By-law No. A.-5896-233
A by-law to appoint Municipal Law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of enforcing the by-laws of The Corporation of the City of London.
WHEREAS section 15 of the Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1900, chapter P.15 provides that the Council of a municipality may appoint one or more municipal law enforcement officers who shall become peace officers for the purpose of enforcing the by-laws of the municipality:
AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to appoint the officials mentioned as aforesaid;
THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of The City of London enacts as follows:
1. The power of appointment of municipal law enforcement officers, including the revocation of appointment, under section 15(1) of the Police Services Act, as amended, for the purposes of enforcement of the by-laws duly enacted by Municipal Council within the City of London is hereby delegated from Municipal Council to the Chief Building Official for the City of London, subject to the following conditions:
a. The Chief Building Official must maintain a current list, which shall be provided to the City Clerk, of all municipal law enforcement officers appointed under section 15(1) of the Police Services Act, as amended, for the purpose of enforcement of the by-laws duly enacted by Municipal Council within the City of London; and,
b. Prior to their appointment, each candidate for appointment as municipal law enforcement officer must hold the necessary legislated qualifications for the position to which they are to be appointed.;
2. The City Clerk shall maintain a public registry of all appointed municipal law enforcement officers, such public registry to be posted on the City’s website.
3. Each of the following persons employed by The Corporation of the City of London in the Fire Prevention Division of London Fire Services, and appointed as an Inspector under the provisions of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, is in addition appointed as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of the enforcement of the Open Air Burning By-law and the Fireworks By-law:
Cathy Staltari
Dianne Lebold
Jack Burt
Robert Barker
Denise Rose
Kyle Kieraszewicz
Robert Pertschy
Ryan Dick
Shaun Fairweather
Colin Toth
David Crowe
Karen Dunster
James Hind
Don MacLean
Frank Galera
Wendy Cowdrey
Gary Lewcock
4. Each of the following persons under contract with The Corporation of The City of London, is in addition appointed as a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of the enforcement of By-law PR-2, Parks and Recreation Area By-law in Environmentally Significant Areas (as defined in the 2002 five-year renewable agreement between the City of London and the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority (UTRCA) and any new Environmentally Significant Area mapping provided to the UTRCA by the City of London) in the City of London.”
Dan D. Jones
Matthew S. McCutcheon
Michael D. Knox
Brandon Williamson
Jason Belfry
5. By-law No. A.-5792-158 and all of its amendments are hereby repealed.
6. This by-law comes into force on the day it is passed.
PASSED in Open Council on November 1, 2004.