Coordinated access

The City of London wants to ensure every individual and family experiencing, or at risk of experiencing homeless, gets the right support at the right time.

A Coordinated Access approach allows staff to actively work to prevent and divert households from an experience of homelessness by assessing their situation and connecting them to financial , social service sector and natural supports. 

A coordinated access approach will allow our team to provide the right support and services at the right time.

Individuals and families experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness can be connected to outreach, emergency shelters and housing support programs, depending on the circumstances.

Reach out to the Coordinated Access team by phone at 519-661-4663, via email or in person at 355 Wellington Street, Suite 248.




No fixed address

No Fixed Address is a coordinated city-wide approach to servicing the unique health and housing needs of those at risk of being discharged from hospital to homelessness. Learn more about the project and the change happening below.

Last modified:Friday, June 21, 2024