An electric kick-scooter is a stand-up scooter powered by an electric motor and built with a large deck in the centre which the rider stands on. It has a handlebar that includes both a brake and throttle. It is not a kick-scooter without electric assist, a personal assistive mobility device, or an e-bike.
They are legal in London for users age 16 and older. Riders aged 16 or 17 must wear a helmet when using an electric kick-scooter.
Electric kick-scooters provide an efficient transportation option and can be used for trips that don’t require a personal vehicle. Using an electric kick-scooter instead of a motor vehicle is one way individuals can take action to support London's Climate Emergency Action Plan and reduce their carbon footprint.
Provincial electric kick-scooter pilot program
The Province of Ontario launched an e-scooter pilot program on January 1, 2020. Originally a five-year program, the pilot has been extended until November 27, 2029. The program's purpose is to evaluate the use of both personal and shared e-scooters and determine whether existing provincial rules of the road are adequate.
As part of the pilot, Ontario municipalities can determine if and how e-scooters can be used in their community both for personal use and for e-scooter share services. In addition to deciding where e-scooters can be used, municipalities must also define where the scooters can be parked.
The City of London opted into the pilot program for personal, privately-owned e-scooters only. This meant that municipal by-laws were updated to reflect where and how personal e-scooters could be used. You can find London's bylaws (passed March 7, 2023) here.
The City did not opt into the e-scooter share portion of the provincial pilot. This means that e-scooter share companies will not be allowed to operate on public property in London for at least the duration of the provincial pilot.
Where electric kick-scooters can be used
Electric kick-scooters can be ridden on roadways posted at 50 kilometers an hour or less, in bike lanes, and on multi-use pathways including the Thames Valley Parkway following posted speed limits.
Electric kick-scooters cannot be used on sidewalks, hiking trails or in Environmentally Significant Areas.
Under the pilot program, the speed limit of an electric kick-scooter is set at 24 kilometers per hour.
Electric kick-scooter riders cannot carry passengers or cargo.
You can review the City’s Streets By-law, the City’s Traffic and Parking Bylaw, the City’s Parks and Recreation Area Bylaw, the City’s Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) Bylaw online, or the City's Electric Kick-scooter and Cargo Power-assisted Bicycle By-law.
Parking an electric kick-scooter
Electric kick-scooters can be parked at bike racks like any bicycle.
Electric kick-scooters should not be left on the sidewalk where they become a tripping hazard and impede pedestrians.
Where you can ride bikes, e-scooters, e-bikes, mopeds and motorcycles
Roadway (vehicle lanes) | Bike lanes and cycle tracks | Multi-use pathways (including the Thames Valley Parkway) | Sidewalks | |
Bicycle | Yes | Yes | Yes | No* |
Personal electric kick-scooters | Yes** | Yes | Yes | No |
E-bikes and cargo power-assisted bicycles up to 119 kilograms | Yes** | Yes | Yes | No |
Motor assisted bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles | Yes | No | No | No |
Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
*Children under the age of 14 can ride bicycles on sidewalks in London.