The City maintains all trees on City property including boulevards, parks and woodlands.
Residents are not permitted to work on City trees because of the risk of injury and the risk of damaging utilities. This includes trees located in the boulevard.
Tree trimming of City trees can be requested online, or by calling 519-661-5783.
Request a tree trimming or tree inspection
Boulevard Tree Protection By-law
After you request a tree trimming, an inspection will take place in the next few weeks depending on the weather and available resources. After the assessment, work is prioritized by potential hazard and risk. The time it takes to trim the tree will depend on the weather conditions, crew allocations, the condition of the tree and the severity of the work that is required.
Lane maintenance and trees on back lanes
The City does not manage trees on back lanes. Property owners who border the lanes are expected to share the responsibility. There are no by-laws to enforce cost sharing arrangements.
Trees on unassumed lanes are not maintained. Upon request, the City may attend to a tree in declining health that may pose a hazard. The City Engineer decides on whether or not to take action and timing of any work.
Bees, wasps and insects
The City does not spray for insects such as tent caterpillars. We will, however, remove wasp nests that are within 10 to 15 feet of the ground. The City works with Ontario Bee Rescue to re-home honey bees when a swarm is located on a City tree.