Legislative History: Enacted September 19, 2017 (By-law No. CPOL.-140-392); Amended June 26, 2018 (By-law No. CPOL.-291-282); Amended August 10, 2021 (By-law CPOL.-140(a)-250); Amended By-law CPOL.-140(b)-200)
Last Review Date: July 25, 2023
Service Area Lead: Director, Recreation and Sport
1. Policy Statement
The intent of the policy is to:
1.1 Ensure that a system of financial assistance, that is easy to access by low-income Londoners, exists for directly related participation costs for recreation and sport activities and programs offered by the City of London;
1.2 Provide a system of financial assistance that, within budget availability, helps as many low-income Londoners as possible to participate in recreation and sport opportunities offered by the City of London;
1.3 Provide a system of financial assistance that is simple to understand for all customers and is easy for staff to administer.
These goals are consistent with existing corporate strategies, including the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
2. Definitions
Not applicable.
3. Applicability
This policy provides financial assistance with the cost of registration fees, identified program materials, supplies and equipment costs, assistive devices and related supports. All City of London, recreation programs, memberships and pass plans, and admissions offered through the PlayYourWayOnline are eligible for support.
4. The Policy
Policy Conditions:
4.1 London residents who consider themselves or their families unable to pay the full registration fee can apply for financial assistance (self-declaration).
4.2 Financial assistance is limited to a maximum value of $300 per individual per 12 month period (from date of approval).
4.3 Financial assistance is available for all City of London, recreation and leisure programs, memberships and pass plans, and admissions offered through the PlayYourWay Online.
Policy Fee Schedule:
4.4 A policy fee schedule based on Statistics Canada’s Low-Income Cut Offs (LICO) will be used by staff to determine the amount of financial assistance provided to individuals or families. This schedule will be used for all recreation programs offered by the City of London. This policy fee schedule will be adjusted as required when new financial data becomes available from Statistics Canada.
4.5 To determine the process for and amount of financial assistance that may be provided for eligible persons to participate in the City of London’s recreation and sport programs but who are unable to afford the associated program fees.
Application Process:
4.6 Requests to determine eligibility for financial assistance can be made in person, by telephone, mail or email. In person requests can be made at any Recreation Customer Service counter during regular business hours.
4.7 Documentation required to complete a request to determine eligibility for financial assistance includes:
a) Identification for each eligible family member;
b) Proof of family income; and
c) Proof of residency.
4.8 No supporting documentation is copied or retained, and application documents are maintained securely for 1 year after which point they are destroyed.
4.9 Eligible participants may register for recreation and sport programs and activities through on-line registration, telephone or in person. Participants who are paying a percentage of the course fee must submit payment prior to receiving confirmation of registration in the program.
4.10 All applicants are to be advised at the time of the request that an appeal process exists and of the terms of the process (see Appeal Process).
4.11 Applicants currently receiving Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) benefits are automatically eligible for financial assistance.
Funding Process:
4.12 Each year the City of London will establish a fund which will be used exclusively for the purpose of providing financial assistance to low-income Londoners who wish to participate in recreation and sport program activities offered by the City.
4.13 The amount of the fund may vary yearly as determined by the City’s budgeting process.
4.14 The fund can be accessed prior to the start of each session on a "first-come, first-served basis" until it is exhausted. Once the fund is exhausted, applicants may have to wait until the following budget year and reapply when funding permits.
4.15 Demand for the fund and other indicators will be tracked and used for future forecasting of funding needs for financial assistance.
Communication Process:
4.16 Information about the existence of the policy and how to access it will be developed and updated as necessary for distribution to community agencies and other stakeholders that serve low-income Londoners.
4.17 City staff will continue to work with the community to monitor the accessibility of recreation and sport opportunities for low income Londoners.
Appeal Process:
4.18 At the time of application, each customer will be notified of the ability to appeal and, where necessary, the details of the process as outlined below. Customers requesting a reconsideration of their eligibility or their rate of financial assistance are required to submit a letter or email to the Supervisor, Recreation Customer Service, indicating the following:
a) Full name, address, telephone number, date of initial application for financial assistance;
b) Reason for request for reconsideration (e.g., extraordinary expenses); and
c) All supporting documents (e.g. receipts, medical notes, etc.).
4.19 Requests will be forwarded to the Supervisor, Recreation Customer Service, within 5 days of receipt of the appeal. All requests for reconsideration will be examined by the Supervisor, Customer Service (or designate) in consultation with the customer. Appeal decisions will be considered final.